Antimicrobial protein PN-AMP1
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Antimicrobial protein PN-AMP1

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Antimicrobial protein PN-AMP1 is an antimicrobial peptide produced by Ipomoea nil (Japanese morning glory, Pharbitis nil). It has antifungal activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
PnAMP1; Plant defensin; Gln(Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid)-Gln-Cys-Gly-Arg-Gln-Ala-Ser-Gly-Arg-Leu-Cys-Gly-Asn-Arg-Leu-Cys-Cys-Ser-Gln-Trp-Gly-Tyr-Cys-Gly-Ser-Thr-Ala-Ser-Tyr-Cys-Gly-Ala-Gly-Cys-Gln-Ser-Gln-Cys-Arg-Ser (Disulfide bridge: Cys3-Cys18, Cys12-Cys24, Cys17-Cys31, Cys35-Cys39)
QQCGRQASGRLCGNRLCCSQWGYCGSTASYCGAGCQSQCRS (Disulfide bridge: Cys3-Cys18, Cys12-Cys24, Cys17-Cys31, Cys35-Cys39)
1. Pn-AMP1, a plant defense protein, induces actin depolarization in yeasts
Ja Choon Koo, Boyoung Lee, Michael E Young, Sung Chul Koo, John A Cooper, Dongwon Baek, Chae Oh Lim, Sang Yeol Lee, Dae-Jin Yun, Moo Je Cho Plant Cell Physiol. 2004 Nov;45(11):1669-80. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pch189.
Pn-AMP1, Pharbitis nil antimicrobial peptide 1, is a small cysteine-rich peptide implicated in host-plant defense. We show here that Pn-AMP1 causes depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans. Pn-AMP1 induces rapid depolarization of actin cables and patches within 15 min. Increased osmolarity or temperature induces transient actin depolarization and results in increased sensitivity to Pn-AMP1, while cells conditioned to these stresses show less sensitivity. Mutations in components of a cell wall integrity pathway (Wsc1p, Rom2p, Bck1p and Mpk1p), which regulate actin repolarization, result in increased sensitivity to Pn-AMP1. A genetic screen reveals that mutations in components of the alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase complex (Mnn10p, Mnn11p and Och1p), which regulate mannosylation of cell wall proteins, confer resistance to Pn-AMP1. FITC-conjugated Pn-AMP1 localizes to the outer surface of the cell with no significant staining observed in spheroplasts. Taken together, these results indicate that cell wall proteins are determinants of resistance to Pn-AMP1, and the ability of a plant defense protein to induce actin depolarization is important for its antifungal activity.
2. Signaling pathways coordinating the alkaline pH response confer resistance to the hevein-type plant antimicrobial peptide Pn-AMP1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Youngho Kwon, Jennifer Chiang, Grant Tran, Guri Giaever, Corey Nislow, Bum-Soo Hahn, Youn-Sig Kwak, Ja-Choon Koo Planta. 2016 Dec;244(6):1229-1240. doi: 10.1007/s00425-016-2579-2. Epub 2016 Aug 10.
Genome-wide screening of Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed that signaling pathways related to the alkaline pH stress contribute to resistance to plant antimicrobial peptide, Pn-AMP1. Plant antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are considered to be promising candidates for controlling phytopathogens. Pn-AMP1 is a hevein-type plant AMP that shows potent and broad-spectrum antifungal activity. Genome-wide chemogenomic screening was performed using heterozygous and homozygous diploid deletion pools of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a chemogenetic model system to identify genes whose deletion conferred enhanced sensitivity to Pn-AMP1. This assay identified 44 deletion strains with fitness defects in the presence of Pn-AMP1. Strong fitness defects were observed in strains with deletions of genes encoding components of several pathways and complex known to participate in the adaptive response to alkaline pH stress, including the cell wall integrity (CWI), calcineurin/Crz1, Rim101, SNF1 pathways and endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT complex). Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of these genes revealed that the most highly overrepresented GO term was "cellular response to alkaline pH". We found that 32 of the 44 deletion strains tested (72 %) showed significant growth defects compared with their wild type at alkaline pH. Furthermore, 9 deletion strains (20 %) exhibited enhanced sensitivity to Pn-AMP1 at ambient pH compared to acidic pH. Although several hundred plant AMPs have been reported, their modes of action remain largely uncharacterized. This study demonstrates that the signaling pathways that coordinate the adaptive response to alkaline pH also confer resistance to a hevein-type plant AMP in S. cerevisiae. Our findings have broad implications for the design of novel and potent antifungal agents.
3. Two hevein homologs isolated from the seed of Pharbitis nil L. exhibit potent antifungal activity
J C Koo, S Y Lee, H J Chun, Y H Cheong, J S Choi, S Kawabata, M Miyagi, S Tsunasawa, K S Ha, D W Bae, C D Han, B L Lee, M J Cho Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998 Jan 15;1382(1):80-90. doi: 10.1016/s0167-4838(97)00148-9.
Two antifungal peptides (Pn-AMP1 and Pn-AMP2) have been purified to homogeneity from seeds of Pharbitis nil. The amino acid sequences of Pn-AMP1 (41 amino acid0 residues) and Pn-AMP2 (40 amino acid residues) were identical except that Pn-AMP1 has an additional serine residue at the carboxyl-terminus. The molecular masses of Pn-AMP1 and Pn-AMP2 were confirmed as 4299.7 and 4213.2 Da, respectively. Both the Pn-AMPs were highly basic (pI 12.02) and had characteristics of cysteine/glycine rich chitin-binding domain. Pn-AMPs exhibited potent antifungal activity against both chitin-containing and non-chitin-containing fungi in the cell wall. Concentrations required for 50% inhibition of fungal growth were ranged from 3 to 26 micrograms/ml for Pn-AMP1 and from 0.6 to 75 micrograms/ml for Pn-AMP2. The Pn-AMPs penetrated very rapidly into fungal hyphae and localized at septum and hyphal tips of fungi, which caused burst of hyphal tips. Burst of hyphae resulted in disruption of the fungal membrane and leakage of the cytoplasmic materials. To our knowledge, Pn-AMPs are the first hevein-like proteins that show similar fungicidal effects as thionins do.
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