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Ascaphin-3 is produced by Ascaphus truei. Ascaphin-3 is an antimicrobial peptide that shows higher potency against Gram-negative bacteria than against Gram-positive bacteria. It has a very week hemolytic activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. The ascaphins: a family of antimicrobial peptides from the skin secretions of the most primitive extant frog, Ascaphus truei
J Michael Conlon, Agnes Sonnevend, Carlos Davidson, D David Smith, Per F Nielsen Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Jul 16;320(1):170-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.05.141.
The tailed frog Ascaphus truei occupies a unique position in phylogeny as the most primitive extant anuran and is regarded as the sister taxon to the clade of all other living frogs. Eight structurally related peptides, termed ascaphins 1-8, were isolated from norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of A. truei and were shown to possess differential growth inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Ascaphins 2-7 may be represented by the consensus amino acid sequence GX2DX2KGAAKX3KTVAX2IANX.COOH whereas ascaphin-1 (GFRDVLKGAAKAFVKTVAGHIAN.NH2) and ascaphin-8 (GFKDLLKGAAKALVKTVLF.NH2) contain a C-terminally alpha-amidated residue. The ascaphins show no appreciable structural similarity with other families of antimicrobial peptides from frog skin but display limited sequence identity with the cationic, amphipathic alpha-helical peptides pandinin 1 and opistoporin 1, isolated from the venoms of African scorpions. Ascaphin-8 shows the highest potency against a range of pathogenic microorganisms but has the greatest haemolytic activity. The data indicate that the host defence strategy of using antimicrobial peptides in skin secretions arose early in the evolution of anurans.
2. Antimicrobial peptides from the skins of North American frogs
J Michael Conlon, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Norbert Nowotny Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009 Aug;1788(8):1556-63. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.09.018. Epub 2008 Oct 17.
North America is home to anuran species belonging to the families Bufonidae, Eleutherodactylidae, Hylidae, Leiopelmatidae, Ranidae, and Scaphiopodidae but antimicrobial peptides have been identified only in skin secretions and/or skin extracts of frogs belonging to the Leiopelmatidae ("tailed frogs") and Ranidae ("true frogs"). Eight structurally-related cationic alpha-helical peptides with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, termed ascaphins, have been isolated from specimens of Ascaphus truei (Leiopelmatidae) occupying a coastal range. Characterization of orthologous antimicrobial peptides from Ascaphus specimens occupying an inland range supports the proposal that this population should be regarded as a separate species A. montanus. Ascaphin-8 shows potential for development into a therapeutically valuable anti-infective agent. Peptides belonging to the brevinin-1, esculentin-1, esculentin-2, palustrin-1, palustrin-2, ranacyclin, ranatuerin-1, ranatuerin-2, and temporin families have been isolated from North American ranids. It is proposed that "ranalexins" represent brevinin-1 peptides that have undergone a four amino acid residue internal deletion. Current taxonomic recommendations divide North American frogs from the family Ranidae into two genera: Lithobates and Rana. Cladistic analysis based upon the amino acid sequences of the brevinin-1 peptides provides strong support for this assignment.
3. Bradykinin-related peptides and tryptophyllins in the skin secretions of the most primitive extant frog, Ascaphus truei
J Michael Conlon, Thierry Jouenne, Pascal Cosette, David Cosquer, Hubert Vaudry, Christopher K Taylor, Peter W Abel Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2005 Sep 1;143(2):193-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2005.04.006.
The tailed frog Ascaphus truei occupies a unique position in phylogeny as the most primitive extant anuran and is regarded as the sister taxon to the clade of all other living frogs. A previous study led to the isolation of eight antimicrobial peptides, termed ascaphins, from norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions. Peptidomic analysis (HPLC separation followed by MALDI mass spectrometry and Edman degradation) of these secretions has led to the identification and structural characterization of 13 additional peptides present in relatively high concentration. In addition to bradykinin (BK; RPPGFSPFR), a C-terminally extended bradykinin (peptide RD-11; RPPGFSPFRVD), a bradykinin-like peptide (peptide AR-10; APVPGLSPFR), and a C-terminally extended form of this peptide (peptide AV-12; APVPGLSPFRVV) were obtained in pure form. These peptides produced concentration-dependent relaxation of precontracted mouse tracheal rings with a rank order of potency of BK>RD-11>AR-10>AV-12 but only RD-11 caused the same maximal relaxation as bradykinin. Four small peptides were also isolated from the skin secretions that contain the Pro-Trp motif that is a characteristic of the tryptophyllin family of peptides previously identified in skins of frogs of the family Hylidae. The data show that the synthesis of dermal peptides that may play a role in defense against predators arose early in the evolution of anurans.
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