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Aurein-3.3 is an antimicrobial peptide produced by Litoria raniformis (Litoria aurea, Southern bell frog). It has antibacterial and anticancer activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Aurein 3.3; Gly-Leu-Phe-Asp-Ile-Val-Lys-Lys-Ile-Ala-Gly-His-Ile-Val-Ser-Ser-Ile-NH2
Store at -20°C
1. Evidence of pores and thinned lipid bilayers induced in oriented lipid membranes interacting with the antimicrobial peptides, magainin-2 and aurein-3.3
Chul Kim, Justin Spano, Eun-Kyung Park, Sungsool Wi Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009 Jul;1788(7):1482-96. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2009.04.017. Epub 2009 May 3.
Dynamic structures of supramolecular lipid assemblies, such as toroidal pores and thinned bilayers induced in oriented lipid membranes, which are interacting with membrane-acting antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), magainin-2 and aurein-3.3, were explored by 31P and 2H solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy. Various types of phospholipid systems, such as POPC-d31, POPC-d31/POPG, and POPC-d31/cholesterol, were investigated to understand the membrane disruption mechanisms of magainin-2 and aurein-3.3 peptides at various peptide-to-lipid (P:L) ratios. The experimental lineshapes of anisotropic 31P and 2H ssNMR spectra measured on these peptide-lipid systems were simulated reasonably well by assuming the presence of supramolecular lipid assemblies, such as toroidal pores and thinned bilayers, in membranes. Furthermore, the observed decrease in the anisotropic frequency span of either 31P or 2H ssNMR spectra of oriented lipid bilayers, particularly when anionic POPG lipids are interacting with AMPs at high P:L ratios, can directly be explained by a thinned membrane surface model with fast lateral diffusive motions of lipids. The spectral analysis protocol we developed enables extraction of the lateral diffusion coefficients of lipids distributed on the curved surfaces of pores and thinned bilayers on a few nanometers scale.
2. The Cryo-EM structures of two amphibian antimicrobial cross-β amyloid fibrils
Robert Bücker, Carolin Seuring, Cornelia Cazey, Katharina Veith, Maria García-Alai, Kay Grünewald, Meytal Landau Nat Commun. 2022 Jul 27;13(1):4356. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32039-z.
The amyloid-antimicrobial link hypothesis is based on antimicrobial properties found in human amyloids involved in neurodegenerative and systemic diseases, along with amyloidal structural properties found in antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Supporting this hypothesis, we here determined the fibril structure of two AMPs from amphibians, uperin 3.5 and aurein 3.3, by cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), revealing amyloid cross-β fibrils of mated β-sheets at atomic resolution. Uperin 3.5 formed a 3-blade symmetrical propeller of nine peptides per fibril layer including tight β-sheet interfaces. This cross-β cryo-EM structure complements the cross-α fibril conformation previously determined by crystallography, substantiating a secondary structure switch mechanism of uperin 3.5. The aurein 3.3 arrangement consisted of six peptides per fibril layer, all showing kinked β-sheets allowing a rounded compactness of the fibril. The kinked β-sheets are similar to LARKS (Low-complexity, Amyloid-like, Reversible, Kinked Segments) found in human functional amyloids.
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