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Brevinin 1Tb

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Brevinin 1Tb has antibacterial activity against S. aureus and perhaps other bacteria. Brevinin 1Tb was found in Russian Brown Frog, Rana temporaria.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Mass spectrometric study of peptides secreted by the skin glands of the brown frog Rana arvalis from the Moscow region
T Yu Samgina, K A Artemenko, V A Gorshkov, S V Ogourtsov, R A Zubarev, A T Lebedev Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2009 May;23(9):1241-8. doi: 10.1002/rcm.3994.
A high-performance liquid chromatography nano-electrospray ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry (HPLC/nanoESI-FTMS) approach involving recording of collision-activated dissociation (CAD) and electron-capture dissociation (ECD) spectra of an intact sample and two its modifications after performic oxidation and reduction followed by carboxamidomethylation helps to establish peptide profiles in the crude secretion of frog species at mid-throughput level, including de novo sequencing. The proposed derivatization procedures allow increasing of the general sequence coverage in the backbone, providing complementary information and, what is more important, reveal the amino acid sequence in the cystine ring ('rana box'). Thus purely mass spectrometric efficient sequencing becomes possible for longer than usual proteolytic peptides. Seventeen peptides belonging to four known families were identified in the secretion of the European brown frog Rana arvalis inhabiting the Moscow region in Russia. Ranatuerins, considered previously a unique feature of the North American species, as well as a new melittin-related peptide, are worth special mention. The developed approach was previously successfully used for the identification of peptides in the skin secretion of the Caucasian green frog Rana ridibunda.
2. Solution structure of antimicrobial peptide esculentin-1c from skin secretion of Rana esculenta
Su-Jin Kang, Woo-Sung Son, Kyung-Doo Han, Tsogbadrakh Mishig-Ochir, Dae-Woo Kim, Jae-Il Kim, Bong-Jin Lee Mol Cells. 2010 Nov;30(5):435-41. doi: 10.1007/s10059-010-0135-7. Epub 2010 Sep 10.
Granular glands in the skins of frogs synthesize and secrete a remarkably diverse range of peptides capable of antimicrobial activity. These anuran skin antimicrobial peptides are commonly hydrophobic, cationic and form an amphipathic α-helix in a membrane mimetic solution. Recently, they have been considered as useful target molecules for developing new antibiotics drugs. Esculentin-1c is a 46-amino acid residue peptide isolated from skin secretions of the European frog, Rana esculenta. It displays the most potent antimicrobial activity among bioactive molecules. Esculentin-1c has the longest amino acids among all antimicrobial peptides. The present study solved the solution structure of esculentin-1c in TFE/water by NMR, for the first time. We conclude that this peptide is comprised of three α-helices with each helix showing amphipathic characteristics, which seems to be a key part for permeating into bacterial membranes, thus presenting antimicrobial activity.
3. Mass spectrometric study of bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) from the skin secretion of Russian ranid frogs
T Yu Samgina, V A Gorshkov, Ye A Vorontsov, K A Artemenko, R A Zubarev, A T Lebedev Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2011 Apr 15;25(7):933-40. doi: 10.1002/rcm.4948. Epub 2011 Mar 14.
Amphibian skin secretion is known to contain biologically active peptides. Bradykinins and related peptides (BRPs) can be found in these animals, while frogs from the genus Rana are considered to be leaders in the levels and variety of these peptides. A reasonable rationalization of this fact is that bradykinins are efficient defense compounds against predators. Forty-four various BRPs have been identified in the skin secretions of five ranid frog species (R. ridibunda, R. lessonae, R. esculenta, R. temporaria, R. arvalis) from the Zvenigorod region (Moscow district, Russia). Some of these peptides are already known, but the novel ones constitute a significant portion. An interesting group of novel peptides was isolated from R. lessonae. These are bradykinin analogues bearing a tyrosine residue in the 5th or 8th position. [Arg(0), Trp(5), Leu(8)]bradykinin and [Thr(6), Leu(8)]bradykinin that had been isolated from fish and avian species, respectively, were also detected in the frog secretion, supporting the predator defense hypothesis. Furthermore, a novel group of BRPs named 'lessonakinins' was discovered in R. lessonae and R. esculenta. All of them include the [Arg(0), Trp(5), Leu(8)]bradykinin sequence and have some structural resemblance to the precursor of this peptide cloned by Chen and coworkers recently. However, the C-terminal part of the lessonakinins does not match the sequence predicted by Chen, demonstrating possible incompleteness of information obtained by cDNA cloning.
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