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Caerin 1.3

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Caerin 1.3 was found in Litoria caerula. Caerin 1.3 is an antibacterial peptide that adopts an alpha helical conformation which can disrupt bacterial membranes. Each caerin displays a different antimicrobial specificity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. 131I-Caerin 1.1 and 131I-Caerin 1.9 for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer
Na Liu, et al. Front Oncol. 2022 Aug 15;12:861206. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.861206. eCollection 2022.
Objective: To investigate the effect of the 131I-labeled high-affinity peptides Caerin 1.1 and Caerin 1.9 for the treatment of A549 human NSCLC cells. Methods: ① 3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazole-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and plate clone formation assays were performed to confirm the in vitro anti-tumor activity of Caerin 1.1 and Caerin 1.9. ② Chloramine-T was used to label Caerin 1.1 and Caerin 1.9 with 131I, and the Cell Counting Kit 8 assay was performed to analyze the inhibitory effect of unlabeled Caerin 1.1, unlabeled Caerin 1.9, 131I-labeled Caerin 1.1, and 131I-labeled Caerin 1.9 on the proliferation of NSCLC cells. An A549 NSCLC nude mouse model was established to investigate the in vivo anti-tumor activity of unlabeled Caerin 1.1, unlabeled Caerin 1.9, 131I-labeled Caerin 1.1, and 131I-labeled Caerin 1.9. Results: ① Caerin 1.1 and Caerin 1.9 inhibited the proliferation of NSCLC cells in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration was 16.26 µg/ml and 17.46 µg/ml, respectively, with no significant intergroup difference (P>0.05). ② 131I-labeled Caerin 1.1 and 131I-labeled Caerin 1.9 were equally effective and were superior to their unlabeled versions in their ability to inhibit the proliferation and growth of NSCLC cells (P>0.05).
2. Disulfide-containing peptides from the glandular skin secretions of froglets of the genus Crinia: structure, activity and evolutionary trends
Rebecca J Jackway, et al. Regul Pept. 2008 Nov 29;151(1-3):80-7. doi: 10.1016/j.regpep.2008.06.004. Epub 2008 Jun 17.
The skin secretions of Crinia signifera, C. riparia and C. deserticola contain bioactive disulfide-containing peptides. Signiferin 1 (RLCIPYIIPC-OH) from C. signifera and C. deserticola) contracts smooth muscle at a concentration of 10(-9) M, and effects proliferation of lymphocytes at 10(-6) M. In contrast, riparin 1.1 (RLCIPVIFC-OH) and riparin 1.2 (FLPPCAYKGTC-OH) from C. riparia show lymphocyte activity but do not contract smooth muscle. The lymphocyte and smooth muscle activities involve CCK2R. 3D structures of signiferin 1 and riparin 1.1 have been established using 2D NMR methods: these studies show significant differences in the shapes of the disulfide rings and with the orientations of the N-terminal residues. cDNA cloning establishes that the pre sections of the precursor pre-pro-riparin 1.4-1.6 peptides are different from the conserved pre regions of disulfide-containing antimicrobial peptides from species of the genus Rana found in the northern hemisphere and caerin antimicrobial peptides isolated from Australian tree frogs of the genus Litoria. This suggests that (i) either that riparins 1 have converged to similar structure and function to the ranid and hyloid prepropeptides which were lost initially from the myobatrachid lineage, or (ii) the prepropeptides in all three groups were derived from a single ancestral form that has remained relatively conserved in the hyloid and ranoid lineages but has undergone substantial divergent evolution in the myobatrachids.
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