Cationic antimicrobial protein
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Cationic antimicrobial protein

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Cationic antimicrobial protein is isolated from Macaca mulatta. It has antimicrobial activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. New Antimicrobial Potential and Structural Properties of PAFB: A Cationic, Cysteine-Rich Protein from Penicillium chrysogenum Q176
Anna Huber, et al. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 29;8(1):1751. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20002-2.
Small, cysteine-rich and cationic proteins with antimicrobial activity are produced by diverse organisms of all kingdoms and represent promising molecules for drug development. The ancestor of all industrial penicillin producing strains, the ascomycete Penicillium chryosgenum Q176, secretes the extensively studied antifungal protein PAF. However, the genome of this strain harbours at least two more genes that code for other small, cysteine-rich and cationic proteins with potential antifungal activity. In this study, we characterized the pafB gene product that shows high similarity to PgAFP from P. chrysogenum R42C. Although abundant and timely regulated pafB gene transcripts were detected, we could not identify PAFB in the culture broth of P. chrysogenum Q176. Therefore, we applied a P. chrysogenum-based expression system to produce sufficient amounts of recombinant PAFB to address unanswered questions concerning the structure and antimicrobial function. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based analyses revealed a compact β-folded structure, comprising five β-strands connected by four solvent exposed and flexible loops and an "abcabc" disulphide bond pattern. We identified PAFB as an inhibitor of growth of human pathogenic moulds and yeasts. Furthermore, we document for the first time an anti-viral activity for two members of the small, cysteine-rich and cationic protein group from ascomycetes.
2. An overview of antimicrobial peptides and the latest advances in their development
Josep M Sierra, Ester Fusté, Francesc Rabanal, Teresa Vinuesa, Miguel Viñas Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2017 Jun;17(6):663-676. doi: 10.1080/14712598.2017.1315402. Epub 2017 Apr 11.
The recent dramatic increase in the incidence of antimicrobial resistance has been recognized by organizations such as the United Nations and World Health Organization as well as the governments of the USA and several European countries. A relatively new weapon in the fight against severe infections caused by multi-drug resistant bacteria is antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). These include colistin, currently regarded as the last line of antimicrobial therapy against multi-drug resistant microorganisms. Areas covered: Here, the authors provide an overview of the current research on AMPs. The focus is AMPs currently being developed for the treatment of recalcitrant bacterial infections, the synergies of AMPs and antibiotics, and the activity of AMPs against biofilm. This review also includes a brief introduction into the use of AMPs in infections caused by Mycobacterium, fungi, and parasites. Expert opinion: In research into new antimicrobials, AMPs are gaining increasing attention. While many are natural and are produced by a wide variety of organisms, others are being newly designed and chemically synthesized in the laboratory to achieve novel antimicrobial agents. The same strategy to fight infections in nature is thus being effectively exploited to safeguard human and animal health.
3. Mini Review on Antimicrobial Peptides, Sources, Mechanism and Recent Applications
Jaspreet Kaur Boparai, Pushpender Kumar Sharma Protein Pept Lett. 2020;27(1):4-16. doi: 10.2174/0929866526666190822165812.
Antimicrobial peptides in recent years have gained increased interest among scientists, health professionals and the pharmaceutical companies owing to their therapeutic potential. These are low molecular weight proteins with broad range antimicrobial and immuno modulatory activities against infectious bacteria (Gram positive and Gram negative), viruses and fungi. Inability of micro-organisms to develop resistance against most of the antimicrobial peptide has made them as an efficient product which can greatly impact the new era of antimicrobials. In addition to this these peptides also demonstrates increased efficacy, high specificity, decreased drug interaction, low toxicity, biological diversity and direct attacking properties. Pharmaceutical industries are therefore conducting appropriate clinical trials to develop these peptides as potential therapeutic drugs. More than 60 peptide drugs have already reached the market and several hundreds of novel therapeutic peptides are in preclinical and clinical development. Rational designing can be used further to modify the chemical and physical properties of existing peptides. This mini review will discuss the sources, mechanism and recent therapeutic applications of antimicrobial peptides in treatment of infectious diseases.
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