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Cecropin-D was found in Hyalophora cecropia. Cecropins have lytic and antibacterial activity against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

Functional Peptides
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1. Cecropin D-derived synthetic peptides in the fight against Candida albicans cell filamentation and biofilm formation
Ibeth Guevara-Lora, et al. Front Microbiol. 2023 Jan 13;13:1045984. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1045984. eCollection 2022.
The recent progressive increase in the incidence of invasive fungal infections, especially in immunocompromised patients, makes the search for new therapies crucial in the face of the growing drug resistance of prevalent nosocomial yeast strains. The latest research focuses on the active compounds of natural origin, inhibiting fungal growth, and preventing the formation of fungal biofilms. Antimicrobial peptides are currently the subject of numerous studies concerning effective antifungal therapy. In the present study, the antifungal properties of two synthetic peptides (ΔM3, ΔM4) derived from an insect antimicrobial peptide - cecropin D - were investigated. The fungicidal activity of both compounds was demonstrated against the yeast forms of Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Candida parapsilosis, reaching a MFC99.9 in the micromolar range, while Candida glabrata showed greater resistance to these peptides. The scanning electron microscopy revealed a destabilization of the yeast cell walls upon treatment with both peptides; however, their effectiveness was strongly modified by the presence of salt or plasma in the yeast environment. The transition of C. albicans cells from yeast to filamentous form, as well as the formation of biofilms, was effectively reduced by ΔM4. Mature biofilm viability was inhibited by a higher concentration of this peptide and was accompanied by increased ROS production, activation of the GPX3 and SOD5 genes, and finally, increased membrane permeability. Furthermore, both peptides showed a synergistic effect with caspofungin in inhibiting the metabolic activity of C. albicans cells, and an additive effect was also observed for the mixtures of peptides with amphotericin B. The results indicate the possible potential of the tested peptides in the prevention and treatment of candidiasis.
2. Bombyx mori Cecropin D could trigger cancer cell apoptosis by interacting with mitochondrial cardiolipin
Francisco Ramos-Martín, Claudia Herrera-León, Nicola D'Amelio Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2022 Oct 1;1864(10):184003. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2022.184003. Epub 2022 Jul 16.
Cecropin D is an antimicrobial peptide from Bombyx mori displaying anticancer and pro-apoptotic activities and, together with Cecropin XJ and Cecropin A, one of the very few peptides targeting esophageal cancer. Cecropin D displays poor similarity to other cecropins but a remarkable similarity in the structure and activity spectrum with Cecropin A and Cecropin XJ, offering the possibility to highlight key motifs at the base of the biological activity. In this work we show by NMR and MD simulations that Cecropin D is partially structured in solution and stabilizes its two-helix folding upon interaction with biomimetic membranes. Simulations show that Cecropin D strongly interacts with the surface of cancer cell biomimetic bilayers where it recognises the phosphatidylserine headgroup often exposed in the outer leaflet of cancerous cells by means of specific salt bridges. Cecropin D is also able to penetrate deeply in bilayers containing cardiolipin, a phospholipid found in mitochondria, causing significant destabilization in the lipid packing which might account for its pro-apoptotic activity. In bacterial membranes, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine act synergically by electrostatically attracting cecropin D and providing access to the membrane core, respectively.
3. The chemical synthesis of cecropin D and an analog with enhanced antibacterial activity
J Fink, R B Merrifield, A Boman, H G Boman J Biol Chem. 1989 Apr 15;264(11):6260-7.
Cecropin D was synthesized by solid-phase methods and shown to be homogeneous and of correct composition and molecular weight. It was indistinguishable from natural cecropin D and constitutes a structure proof for this peptide. Several analogs of cecropin D were synthesized and used to draw conclusions about the structural features contributing to antibacterial activity. They included [Lys1]cecropin D, [Gln3, Leu4] cecropin D, and cecropin D-(9-37). It was concluded that a strongly basic NH2-terminal segment is a prerequisite for antibacterial activity. A hybrid analog cecropin A-(1-11) D-(12-37) was designed and predicted to have enhanced potency. It was found to be 5 to 55 times as active as cecropin D against six of the bacteria tested and was slightly more active than cecropin A. However, against Bacillus subtilis Bs11 the analog was 6 times more active than cecropin A.
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