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Cliotide T12

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Cliotide T12 was found in Clitoria ternatea. It probably participates in a plant defense mechanism.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Discovery of an unusual biosynthetic origin for circular proteins in legumes
Aaron G Poth, Michelle L Colgrave, Russell E Lyons, Norelle L Daly, David J Craik Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jun 21;108(25):10127-32. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1103660108. Epub 2011 May 18.
Cyclotides are plant-derived proteins that have a unique cyclic cystine knot topology and are remarkably stable. Their natural function is host defense, but they have a diverse range of pharmaceutically important activities, including uterotonic activity and anti-HIV activity, and have also attracted recent interest as templates in drug design. Here we report an unusual biosynthetic origin of a precursor protein of a cyclotide from the butterfly pea, Clitoria ternatea, a representative member of the Fabaceae plant family. Unlike all previously reported cyclotides, the domain corresponding to the mature cyclotide from this Fabaceae plant is embedded within an albumin precursor protein. We confirmed the expression and correct processing of the cyclotide encoded by the Cter M precursor gene transcript following extraction from C. ternatea leaf and sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry. The sequence was verified by direct chemical synthesis and the peptide was found to adopt a classic knotted cyclotide fold as determined by NMR spectroscopy. Seven additional cyclotide sequences were also identified from C. ternatea leaf and flower, five of which were unique. Cter M displayed insecticidal activity against the cotton budworm Helicoverpa armigera and bound to phospholipid membranes, suggesting its activity is modulated by membrane disruption. The Fabaceae is the third largest family of flowering plants and many Fabaceous plants are of huge significance for human nutrition. Knowledge of Fabaceae cyclotide gene transcripts should enable the production of modified cyclotides in crop plants for a variety of agricultural or pharmaceutical applications, including plant-produced designer peptide drugs.
2. Discovery of cyclotides in the fabaceae plant family provides new insights into the cyclization, evolution, and distribution of circular proteins
Aaron G Poth, Michelle L Colgrave, Reynold Philip, Bomai Kerenga, Norelle L Daly, Marilyn A Anderson, David J Craik ACS Chem Biol. 2011 Apr 15;6(4):345-55. doi: 10.1021/cb100388j. Epub 2011 Jan 20.
Cyclotides are plant proteins whose defining structural features are a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and three interlocking disulfide bonds, which in combination are known as a cyclic cystine knot. This unique structural motif confers cyclotides with exceptional resistance to proteolysis. Their endogenous function is thought to be as plant defense agents, associated with their insecticidal and larval growth-inhibitory properties. However, in addition, an array of pharmaceutically relevant biological activities has been ascribed to cyclotides, including anti-HIV, anthelmintic, uterotonic, and antimicrobial effects. So far, >150 cyclotides have been elucidated from members of the Rubiaceae, Violaceae, and Cucurbitaceae plant families, but their wider distribution among other plant families remains unclear. Clitoria ternatea (Butterfly pea) is a member of plant family Fabaceae and through its usage in traditional medicine to aid childbirth bears similarity to Oldenlandia affinis, from which many cyclotides have been isolated. Using a combination of nanospray and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) analyses, we examined seed extracts of C. ternatea and discovered cyclotides in the Fabaceae, the third-largest family of flowering plants. We characterized 12 novel cyclotides, thus expanding knowledge of cyclotide distribution and evolution within the plant kingdom. The discovery of cyclotides containing novel sequence motifs near the in planta cyclization site has provided new insights into cyclotide biosynthesis. In particular, MS analyses of the novel cyclotides from C. ternatea suggest that Asn to Asp variants at the cyclization site are more common than previously recognized. Moreover, this study provides impetus for the examination of other economically and agriculturally significant species within Fabaceae, now the largest plant family from which cyclotides have been described.
3. Transcriptomic profiling of the medicinal plant Clitoria ternatea: identification of potential genes in cyclotide biosynthesis
Neha V Kalmankar, Radhika Venkatesan, Padmanabhan Balaram, Ramanathan Sowdhamini Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 29;10(1):12658. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-69452-7.
Clitoria ternatea a perennial climber of the Fabaceae family, is well known for its agricultural and medical applications. It is also currently the only known member of the Fabaceae family that produces abundant amounts of the ultra-stable macrocyclic peptides, cyclotides, across all tissues. Cyclotides are a class of gene-encoded, disulphide-rich, macrocyclic peptides (26-37 residues) acting as defensive metabolites in several plant species. Previous transcriptomic studies have demonstrated the genetic origin of cyclotides from the Fabaceae plant family to be embedded in the albumin-1 genes, unlike its counterparts in other plant families. However, the complete mechanism of its biosynthesis and the repertoire of enzymes involved in cyclotide folding and processing remains to be understood. In this study, using RNA-Seq data and de novo transcriptome assembly of Clitoria ternatea, we have identified 71 precursor genes of cyclotides. Out of 71 unique cyclotide precursor genes obtained, 51 sequences display unique cyclotide domains, of which 26 are novel cyclotide sequences, arising from four individual tissues. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis of fractions from different tissue extracts, coupled with precursor protein sequences obtained from transcriptomic data, established the cyclotide diversity in this plant species. Special focus in this study has also been on identifying possible enzymes responsible for proper folding and processing of cyclotides in the cell. Transcriptomic mining for oxidative folding enzymes such as protein-disulphide isomerases (PDI), ER oxidoreductin-1 (ERO1) and peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases)/cyclophilins, and their levels of expression are also reported. In particular, it was observed that the CtPDI genes formed plant-specific clusters among PDI genes as compared to those from other plant species. Collectively, this work provides insights into the biogenesis of the medicinally important cyclotides and establishes the expression of certain key enzymes participating in peptide biosynthesis. Also, several novel cyclotide sequences are reported and precursor sequences are analysed in detail. In the absence of a published reference genome, a comprehensive transcriptomics approach was adopted to provide an overview of diverse properties and constituents of C. ternatea.
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