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Dahlein 4.3

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Dahlein 4.3 is a synthetic antimicrobial peptide.

Functional Peptides
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1. Bioactive dahlein peptides from the skin secretions of the Australian aquatic frog Litoria dahlii: sequence determination by electrospray mass spectrometry
K L Wegener, C S Brinkworth, J H Bowie, J C Wallace, M J Tyler Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2001;15(18):1726-34. doi: 10.1002/rcm.429.
Eleven dahlein peptides are present in the skin secretion of the Australian aquatic frog Litoria dahlii. All peptides have been sequenced using a combination of electrospray mass spectrometry (ES-MS) and Lys-C digestion/MS, with each sequence confirmed by automated Edman sequencing. The 13-residue dahlein 1 peptides (e.g. dahlein 1.1 GLFDIIKNIVSTL-NH(2)) exhibit weak wide-spectrum antimicrobial activity but no significant activity in the anticancer testing program of the National Cancer Institute (Washington). There are no potent antimicrobial peptides present in the glandular secretion, but the dahleins 5 strongly inhibit the formation of NO by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (e.g. dahlein 5.1 GLLGSIGNAIGAFIANKLKP-OH).
2. Structural analysis of calmodulin binding by nNOS inhibitory amphibian peptides
Antonio N Calabrese, John H Bowie, Tara L Pukala Biochemistry. 2015 Jan 20;54(2):567-76. doi: 10.1021/bi5004124. Epub 2014 Dec 30.
Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous protein in nature and plays a regulatory role in numerous biological processes, including the upregulation of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in vivo. Several peptides that prevent NO production by interacting with CaM have been isolated in the cutaneous secretions of Australian amphibians, and are thought to serve as a defense mechanism against predators. In this work, we probe the mechanism by which three of these peptides, namely, caerin 1.8, dahlein 5.6, and a synthetic modification of citropin 1.1, interact with CaM to inhibit NO signaling. Isothermal titration calorimetry was used to determine thermodynamic parameters of the binding interactions and revealed that all the peptides bind to CaM in a similar fashion, with the peptide encapsulated between the two lobes of CaM. Ion mobility-mass spectrometry was used to investigate the changes in collision cross section that occur as a result of complexation, providing additional evidence for this binding mode. Finally, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to track chemical shift changes upon binding. The results obtained confirm that these complexes adopt canonical collapsed structures and demonstrate the strength of the interaction between the peptides and CaM. An understanding of these molecular recognition events provides insights into the underlying mechanism of the amphibian host-defense system.
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