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Dermaseptin DA4

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Dermaseptin DA4 is an antibacterial peptide isolated from Pachymedusa dacnicolor (Mexican frog). It has activity against gram-negative bacteria.

Functional Peptides
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1. Helical structure of dermaseptin B2 in a membrane-mimetic environment
Olivier Lequin, Francine Bruston, Odile Convert, Gérard Chassaing, Pierre Nicolas Biochemistry. 2003 Sep 2;42(34):10311-23. doi: 10.1021/bi034401d.
Dermaseptins are antimicrobial peptides from frog skin that have high membrane-lytic activity against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. The structure of dermaseptin B2 in aqueous solution, in TFE/water mixtures, and in micellar and nonmicellar SDS was analyzed by CD, FTIR, fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics calculations. Dermaseptin B2 is unstructured in water, but helical conformations, mostly in segment 3-18, are stabilized by addition of TFE. SDS titration showed that dermaseptin B2 assumes nonhelical structures at SDS concentrations far below the critical micellar concentration and helical structures at micellar concentrations. Dermaseptin B2 bound to SDS micelles (0.4 mM peptide, 80 mM SDS) adopts a well-defined amphipathic helix between residues 11-31 connected to a more flexible helical segment spanning residues 1-8 by a flexible hinge region around Val9 and Gly10. Experiments using paramagnetic probes showed that dermaseptin B2 lies near the surface of SDS micelles and that residue Trp3 is buried in the SDS micelle, but close to the surface. A slow exchange equilibrium occurs at higher peptide/SDS ratios (2 mM peptide, 80 mM SDS) between forms having distinct sets of resonances in the N-terminal 1-11 segment. This equilibrium could reflect different oligomeric states of dermaseptin B2 interacting with SDS micelles. Structure-activity studies on dermaseptin B2 analogues showed that the N-terminal 1-11 segment is an absolute requirement for antibacterial activity, while the C-terminal 10-33 region is also important for full antibiotic activity.
2. Structural requirements for antimicrobial versus chemoattractant activities for dermaseptin S9
Constance Auvynet, Chahrazade El Amri, Claire Lacombe, Francine Bruston, Julie Bourdais, Pierre Nicolas, Yvonne Rosenstein FEBS J. 2008 Aug;275(16):4134-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06554.x. Epub 2008 Jul 10.
Dermaseptin S9 (Drs S9), GLRSKIWLWVLLMIWQESNKFKKM, isolated from frog skin, does not resemble any of the cationic and amphipathic antimicrobial peptides identified to date, having a highly hydrophobic core sequence flanked at either side by cationic termini. Previous studies [Lequin O, Ladram A, Chabbert A, Bruston F, Convert O, Vanhoye D, Chassaing G, Nicolas P & Amiche M (2006) Biochemistry45, 468-480] demonstrated that this peptide adopted a non-amphipathic alpha-helical conformation in trifluoroethanol/water mixtures, but was highly aggregated in aqueous solutions and in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles. Circular dichroism, FTIR and attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopies, combined with a surface plasmon resonance study, show that Drs S9 forms stable and ordered beta-sheet aggregates in aqueous buffers or when bound to anionic or zwitterionic phospholipid vesicles. These structures slowly assembled into amyloid-like fibrils in aqueous environments via spherical intermediates, as revealed by electron microscopy and Congo red staining. Drs S9 induced the directional migration of neutrophils, T lymphocytes and monocytes. Interestingly, the antimicrobial and chemotactic activities of Drs S9 are modulated by its amyloid-like properties. Whereas spherical oligomers of Drs S9 exhibit antimicrobial activity, the soluble, weakly self-associated forms of Drs S9 act on human leukocytes to promote chemotaxis and/or immunological response activation in the same range of concentration as amyloidogenic peptides Abeta(1-42), the most fibrillogenic isoform of amyloid beta peptides, and the prion peptide PrP(106-126).
3. Mechanism of antibacterial action of dermaseptin B2: interplay between helix-hinge-helix structure and membrane curvature strain
Cécile Galanth, Feten Abbassi, Olivier Lequin, Jésus Ayala-Sanmartin, Ali Ladram, Pierre Nicolas, Mohamed Amiche Biochemistry. 2009 Jan 20;48(2):313-27. doi: 10.1021/bi802025a.
Dermaseptin B2 (Drs B2) is a 33-residue-long cationic, alpha-helical antimicrobial peptide endowed with membrane-damaging activity against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and protozoa, but its precise mechanism of action remained ill-defined. A detailed characterization of peptide-membrane interactions of Drs B2 was undertaken in comparison with a C-terminal truncated analogue, [1-23]-Drs B2, that was virtually inactive on bacteria despite retaining the cationic charge of the full-length peptide. Both peptides were tested on living cells using membrane permeabilization assays and on large unilamellar and multilamellar phospholipid vesicles composed of binary lipid mixtures by dye leakage assay, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and differential scanning calorimetry and also on SDS micelles using NMR spectroscopy. The results indicate that Drs B2 induces a strong perturbation of anionic lipid bilayers, resides at the hydrocarbon core-water interface, parallel to the plane of the membrane, and interacts preferentially with the polar head groups and glycerol backbone region of the anionic phospholipids, as well as the region of the lipid acyl chain near the bilayer surface. The interfacial location of Drs B2 induces a positive curvature of the bilayer and clustering of anionic lipids, consistent with a carpet mechanism, that may lead to the formation of mixed peptide-phospholipid toroidal, transient pores and membrane permeation/disruption once a threshold peptide accumulation is reached. In constrast, the truncated [1-23]-Drs B2 analogue interacts at the head group level without penetrating and perturbing the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. NMR study in SDS micelles showed that [1-23]-Drs B2 adopts a well-defined helix encompassing residues 2-20, whereas Drs B2 was previously found to adopt helical structures interrupted around the Val(9)-Gly(10) segment. Thus the antibacterial activity of Drs B2 depends markedly on a threshold number of hydrophobic residues to be present on both extremities of the helix. In a membrane environment with a strong positive curvature strain, Drs B2 can adopt a flexible helix-hinge-helix structure that facilitates the concomitant insertion of the strongly hydrophobic N- and C-termini of the peptide into the acyl core of the membrane.
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