Diapausin precursor
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Diapausin precursor

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Diapausin precursor is isolated from Spodoptera exigua. It has antimicrobial activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Enhanced germline stem cell longevity in Drosophila diapause
Sreesankar Easwaran, Matthew Van Ligten, Mackenzie Kui, Denise J Montell Nat Commun. 2022 Feb 7;13(1):711. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-28347-z.
In many species including humans, aging reduces female fertility. Intriguingly, some animals preserve fertility longer under specific environmental conditions. For example, at low temperature and short day-length, Drosophila melanogaster enters a state called adult reproductive diapause. As in other stressful conditions, ovarian development arrests at the yolk uptake checkpoint; however, mechanisms underlying fertility preservation and post-diapause recovery are largely unknown. Here, we report that diapause causes more complete arrest than other stresses yet preserves greater recovery potential. During dormancy, germline stem cells (GSCs) incur DNA damage, activate p53 and Chk2, and divide less. Despite reduced niche signaling, germline precursor cells do not differentiate. GSCs adopt an atypical, suspended state connected to their daughters. Post-diapause recovery of niche signaling and resumption of division contribute to restoring GSCs. Mimicking one feature of quiescence, reduced juvenile hormone production, enhanced GSC longevity in non-diapausing flies. Thus, diapause mechanisms provide approaches to GSC longevity enhancement.
2. Distinct daf-16 isoforms regulate specification of vulval precursor cells in Caenorhabditis elegans
Liberta Cuko, Allison R Cale, Loni Rambo, Macy L Knoblock, Xantha Karp MicroPubl Biol. 2022 Dec 9;2022:10.17912/micropub.biology.000706. doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000706. eCollection 2022.
FOXO transcription factors regulate development, longevity, and stress-resistance across species. The C. elegans FOXO ortholog, daf-16, has three major isoforms with distinct promoters and N-termini. Different combinations of isoforms regulate different processes. Adverse environments can induce dauer diapause after the second larval molt. During dauer, daf-16 blocks specification of vulval precursor cells, including EGFR/Ras-mediated 1˚ fate specification and LIN-12/Notch-mediated 2˚ fate specification. Using isoform-specific mutants, we find that daf-16a and daf-16f are functionally redundant for the block to the expression of 1˚ fate markers. In contrast, all three isoforms contribute to blocking the expression of 2˚ fate markers.
3. EGFR signal transduction is downregulated in C. elegans vulval precursor cells during dauer diapause
Catherine O'Keeffe, Iva Greenwald Development. 2022 Nov 1;149(21):dev201094. doi: 10.1242/dev.201094. Epub 2022 Oct 31.
Caenorhabditis elegans larvae display developmental plasticity in response to environmental conditions: in adverse conditions, second-stage larvae enter a reversible, long-lived dauer stage instead of proceeding to reproductive adulthood. Dauer entry interrupts vulval induction and is associated with a reprogramming-like event that preserves the multipotency of vulval precursor cells (VPCs), allowing vulval development to reinitiate if conditions improve. Vulval induction requires the LIN-3/EGF-like signal from the gonad, which activates EGFR-Ras-ERK signal transduction in the nearest VPC, P6.p. Here, using a biosensor and live imaging we show that EGFR-Ras-ERK activity is downregulated in P6.p in dauers. We investigated this process using gene mutations or transgenes to manipulate different steps of the pathway, and by analyzing LET-23/EGFR subcellular localization during dauer life history. We found that the response to EGF is attenuated at or upstream of Ras activation, and discuss potential membrane-associated mechanisms that could achieve this. We also describe other findings pertaining to the maintenance of VPC competence and quiescence in dauer larvae. Our analysis indicates that VPCs have L2-like and unique dauer stage features rather than features of L3 VPCs in continuous development.
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