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Fmoc-Amino Acids
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1. Uptake, translocation and biotransformation kinetics of BDE-47, 6-OH-BDE-47 and 6-MeO-BDE-47 in maize (Zea mays L.)
Xuehui Xu, Bei Wen, Honglin Huang, Sen Wang, Ruixia Han, Shuzhen Zhang Environ Pollut. 2016 Jan;208(Pt B):714-22. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.10.051. Epub 2015 Nov 10.
This study presents a detailed kinetic investigation on the uptake, acropetal translocation and transformation of BDE-47, 6-OH-BDE-47 and 6-MeO-BDE-47 in maize (Zea mays L.) by hydroponic exposure. Root uptake followed the order: BDE-47 > 6-MeO-BDE-47 > 6-OH-BDE-47, while 6-OH-BDE-47 was the most prone to acropetal translocation. Debromination rates of BDE-47 were 1.31 and 1.46 times greater than the hydroxylation and methoxylation rates, respectively. Transformation from BDE-47 to lower brominated OH/MeO-PBDEs occurred mainly through debromination first followed by hydroxylation or methoxylation. There was no transformation from 6-OH-BDE-47 or 6-MeO-BDE-47 to PBDEs. Methylation rate of 6-OH-BDE-47 was twice as high as that of 6-MeO-BDE-47 hydroxylation, indicating methylation of 6-OH-BDE-47 was easier and more rapid than hydroxylation of 6-MeO-BDE-47. Debromination and isomerization were potential metabolic pathways for 6-OH-BDE-47 and 6-MeO-BDE-47 in maize. This study provides important information for better understanding the mechanism on plant uptake and transformation of PBDEs.
2. Hepta-Zr-Incorporated Polyoxometalate Assembly
Peng-Yun Zhang, Yu Wang, Liao-Yuan Yao, Guo-Yu Yang Inorg Chem. 2022 Jul 11;61(27):10410-10416. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01124. Epub 2022 Jun 29.
Driven by the synergistic-directing effect of the lacunary fragments, [B-α-GeW9O34]10- and [B-α-GeW11O39]8-, an unprecedented hepta-Zr-substituted polyoxometalate (POM) assembly K2Na6H10(Hpy)3[SbZr7O6(OH)4(B-α-GeW9O34)2(B-α-GeW11O39)2]·28H2O (1) was made under hydrothermal condition and structurally characterized. Of which, a unique hepta-Zr cluster, [SbZr7O6(OH)4]15+ core, was built by two trilacunary [B-α-GeW9O34]10- fragments and two monolacunary [B-α-GeW11O39]8- fragments and further arranged in a mode of a vertical cross and formed a pseudo-tetrahedron geometry. Compound 1 features the first Zr7-cluster-substituted POM. Moreover, 1 is an effective heterogeneous catalyst for the catalytic oxidation of sulfides into the corresponding sulfones with H2O2, manifesting distinguished conversion, excellent yield, and desired recyclability.
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