Glycine dimethylamide acetate
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Glycine dimethylamide acetate

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Other Unnatural Amino Acids
Catalog number
CAS number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Glycine dimethylamide acetate
acetic acid;2-amino-N,N-dimethylacetamide
Gly-NMe2 AcOH; 2-(dimethylamino)-2-oxoethanaminium acetate; GLYCINE DIMETHYLAMIDE ACETATE; H-GLY-NME2 ACETATE; H-Gly-NMe2 AcOH; H-GLY-NME2 ACOH
White solid
≥ 98% (NMR)
Store at 2-8 °C
InChI Key
Canonical SMILES
1. Thyroid receptor ligands. 1. Agonist ligands selective for the thyroid receptor beta1
Liu Ye, et al. J Med Chem. 2003 Apr 24;46(9):1580-8. doi: 10.1021/jm021080f.
Endogenous thyroid receptor hormones 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodo-l-thyronine (T(4), 1) and 3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine (T(3), 2) exert a significant effects on growth, development, and homeostasis in mammals. They regulate important genes in intestinal, skeletal, and cardiac muscles, the liver, and the central nervous system, influence overall metabolic rate, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and heart rate, and affect mood and overall sense of well being. The literature suggests many or most effects of thyroid hormones on the heart, in particular on the heart rate and rhythm, are mediated through the TRalpha(1) isoform, while most actions of the hormones on the liver and other tissues are mediated more through the TRbeta(1) isoform of the receptor. Some effects of thyroid hormones may be therapeutically useful in nonthyroid disorders if adverse effects can be minimized or eliminated. These potentially useful features include weight reduction for the treatment of obesity, cholesterol lowering for treating hyperlipidemia, amelioration of depression, and stimulation of bone formation in osteoporosis. Prior attempts to utilize thyroid hormones pharmacologically to treat these disorders have been limited by manifestations of hyperthyroidism and, in particular, cardiovascular toxicity. Consequently, development of thyroid hormone receptor agonists that are selective for the beta-isoform could lead to safe therapies for these common disorders while avoiding cardiotoxicity. We describe here the synthesis and evaluation of a series of novel TR ligands, which are selective for TRbeta(1) over TRalpha(1). These ligands could potentially be useful for treatment of various disorders as outlined above. From a series of homologous R(1)-substituted carboxylic acid derivatives, increasing chain length was found to have a profound effect on affinity and selectivity in a radioreceptor binding assay for the human thyroid hormone receptors alpha(1) and beta(1) (TRalpha(1) and TRbeta(2)) as well as a reporter cell assay employing CHOK1-cells (Chinese hamster ovary cells) stably transfected with hTRalpha(1) or hTRbeta(1) and an alkaline phosphatase reporter-gene downstream thyroid response element (TRAFalpha(1) and TRAFbeta(1)). Affinity increases in the order formic, acetic, and propionic acid, while beta-selectivity is highest when the R(1) position is substituted with acetic acid. Within this series 3,5-dibromo-4-[(4-hydroxy-3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl]acetic acid (11a) and 3,5-dichloro-4-[(4-hydroxy-3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl]acetic acid (15) were found to reveal the most promising in vitro data based on isoform selectivity and were selected for further in vivo studies. The effect of 2, 11a, and 15 in a cholesterol-fed rat model was monitored including potencies for heart rate (ED(15)), cholesterol (ED(50)), and TSH (ED(50)). Potency for tachycardia was significantly reduced for the TRbeta selective compounds 11a and 15 compared with 2, while both 11a and 15 retained the cholesterol-lowering potency of 2. This left an approximately 10-fold therapeutic window between heart rate and cholesterol, which is consistent with the action of ligands that are approximately 10-fold more selective for TRbeta(1). We also report the X-ray crystallographic structures of the ligand binding domains of TRalpha and TRbeta in complex with 15. These structures reveal that the single amino acid difference in the ligand binding pocket (Ser277 in TRalpha or Asn331 in TRbeta) results in a slightly different hydrogen bonding pattern that may explain the increased beta-selectivity of 15.
2. Design and synthesis of complementing ligands for mutant thyroid hormone receptor TRbeta(R320H): a tailor-made approach toward the treatment of resistance to thyroid hormone
Atsushi Hashimoto, Youheng Shi, Katherine Drake, John T Koh Bioorg Med Chem. 2005 Jun 1;13(11):3627-39. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2005.03.040.
The thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are ligand-dependant transcription factors that regulate key genes involved in metabolic regulation, thermogenesis and development. Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is a genetic disease associated with mutations to TRbeta that lack or show reduced responsiveness to thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine). Previously we reported that the neutral alcohol-based thyromimetic HY-1 can selectively restore activity to a functionally impaired form of TR associated with RTH without over-stimulating TRalpha, which has been associated with undesirable side effects. Two new series of tetrazole and thiazolidinedione based ligands were evaluated for their ability to recover potency and efficacy to three of the most common RTH-associated mutants, TRbeta(R320C), TRbeta(R320H), and TRbeta(R316H), in cell based assays. A new thiazolidinedione based ligand AH-9 was identified, which has near wild-type potency (EC(50)=0.54 nM) to TRbeta(R320C) and TRbeta(R320H). Significantly, AH-9 is equipotent toward TRalpha(wt), TRbeta(wt), TRbeta(R320C), and TRbeta(R320H), suggesting that AH-9 may have the potential to restore the normal homeostatic balance of thyroid hormone actions in patients or models harboring these mutations.
3. Amino acid substitutions of thyroid hormone receptor-beta at codon 435 with resistance to thyroid hormone selectively alter homodimer formation
Y Nomura, T Nagaya, H Tsukaguchi, J Takamatsu, H Seo Endocrinology. 1996 Oct;137(10):4082-6. doi: 10.1210/endo.137.10.8828460.
Thyroid hormone action is mediated through its nuclear receptors (TRs), which bind to target DNA sequences [thyroid hormone response element (TRE)] as a homodimer or a heterodimer with 9-cis-retinoic acid receptors. Mutations of TR beta identified in patients with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) cluster primarily at two areas separated by the putative dimerization region. Two TR beta mutations were newly found in patients with RTH at codon 435 histidine (H435L and H435Q) close to the dimerization region. Recent crystallographic study suggested that H435 is critical for direct contact with T3. To study how the side-chain charge of amino acids at this position affects receptor characteristics, T3-binding activity, receptor dimerization, transcriptional activity, and dominant negative action were analyzed in two RTH mutants and two additional artificial mutants (H435R and H435E). The T3 binding affinities of all four mutants were below detection. In electrophoretic mobility shift assay using TRE-DR4 or the inverted palindrome (Lap), heterodimer formation of mutant receptors with 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor was similar to that of wild type receptors. However, homodimer formation varied among mutant receptors, especially using TRE-DR4, with a rank order of wild type = H435R > H435Q > H435L > > H435E. In the presence of a basic amino acid at codon 435, homodimer formation was preserved, whereas substitution to neutral or acidic amino acids resulted in decreased homodimer formation. In transient transfection assays using reporter genes under the control of 2xPal-thymidine kinase (TK), DR4-TK, Lap-TK, or TSH alpha promoter, these four mutants were inactive in T3-dependent transcriptional activation. Dominant negative inhibition was similar for all four mutants. These results indicate that 1) newly found TR beta mutations at codon 435 are responsible for RTH; and 2) codon 435 in TR beta is located at a position that can predominantly alter homodimer formation on certain TREs, such as DR4.
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