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H-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 is a molluscan neuropeptide isolated from the ganglia of Macrocallista nimbosa.

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Molecular Formula
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Fmrfamide; FMRF amide; (S)-N-((S)-1-Amino-1-oxo-3-phenylpropan-2-yl)-2-((S)-2-((S)-2-amino-3-phenylpropanamido)-4-(methylthio)butanamido)-5-guanidinopentanamide; Molluscan Cardioexcitatory Neuropeptide
Store at -20°C
InChI Key
Canonical SMILES
1. Distribution of Molecules Related to Neurotransmission in the Nervous System of the Mussel Crenomytilus grayanus
Elena Kotsyuba, Alexander Kalachev, Polina Kameneva, Vyacheslav Dyachuk Front Neuroanat. 2020 Jun 30;14:35. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2020.00035. eCollection 2020.
In bivalves neurotransmitters are involved in a variety of behaviors, but their diversity and distribution in the nervous system of these organisms remains somewhat unclear. Here, we first examined immunohistochemically the distributions of neurons containing different neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and related enzymes, as well as the proliferative status of neurons in the ganglia of the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. H-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were found to be expressed by neurons in all the ganglia, whereas serotonin (5-HT) neurons were found only in the cerebropleural and pedal, but not visceral ganglia. Moreover, incubation of living mussels in the presence of a 5-HT precursor (5-HTP) confirmed the absence of 5-HT-containing neurons from the visceral ganglia, indicating that the "serotonin center" of the visceral nervous system is located in the cerebral ganglia. Furthermore, immunostaining of molecules related to neurotransmission together with α-acetylated tubulin demonstrated that this cytoskeletal protein may be a potential pan-neuronal marker in bivalves. Adult mussel neurons do not proliferate, but a population of proliferating PCNA-LIP cells which do not express any of the neurotransmitters examined, perhaps glia cells, was detected in the ganglia. These novel findings suggest that the nervous system of bivalves contains a broad variety of signal molecules most likely involved in the regulation of different physiological and behavioral processes. In addition, proliferating cells may maintain and renew glial cells and neurons throughout the lives of bivalves.
2. Structural modeling of a novel membrane-bound globin-coupled sensor in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Dietmar Hammerschmid, et al. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2021 Mar 26;19:1874-1888. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.03.031. eCollection 2021.
Globin-coupled sensors (GCS) usually consist of three domains: a sensor/globin, a linker, and a transmitter domain. The globin domain (GD), activated by ligand binding and/or redox change, induces an intramolecular signal transduction resulting in a response of the transmitter domain. Depending on the nature of the transmitter domain, GCSs can have different activities and functions, including adenylate and di-guanylate cyclase, histidine kinase activity, aerotaxis and/or oxygen sensing function. The gram-negative delta-proteobacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens expresses a protein with a GD covalently linked to a four transmembrane domain, classified, by sequence similarity, as GCS (GsGCS). While its GD is fully characterized, not so its transmembrane domain, which is rarely found in the globin superfamily. In the present work, GsGCS was characterized spectroscopically and by native ion mobility-mass spectrometry in combination with cryo-electron microscopy. Although lacking high resolution, the oligomeric state and the electron density map were valuable for further rational modeling of the full-length GsGCS structure. This model demonstrates that GsGCS forms a transmembrane domain-driven tetramer with minimal contact between the GDs and with the heme groups oriented outward. This organization makes an intramolecular signal transduction less likely. Our results, including the auto-oxidation rate and redox potential, suggest a potential role for GsGCS as redox sensor or in a membrane-bound e-/H+ transfer. As such, GsGCS might act as a player in connecting energy production to the oxidation of organic compounds and metal reduction. Database searches indicate that GDs linked to a four or seven helices transmembrane domain occur more frequently than expected.
3. Localization of neurons expressing choline acetyltransferase, serotonin and/or FMRFamide in the central nervous system of the decapod shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus
Elena Kotsyuba, Vyacheslav Dyachuk Cell Tissue Res. 2021 Mar;383(3):959-977. doi: 10.1007/s00441-020-03309-3. Epub 2020 Nov 25.
Although it is now established that neurons in crustacea contain multiple transmitter substances, little is know about patterns of expression and co-expression or about the functional effects of such co-transmission. The present study was designed to characterize the distributions and potential colocalization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), serotonin (5-HT) and neuropeptide H-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide) in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus using immunohistochemical analyses in combination with laser scanning confocal microscopy. ChAT was found to be expressed by small, medium-sized, and large neurons in all regions of the brain and ventral nerve cord (VNC). For the most part, ChAT, FMRFamide, and 5-HT are expressed in different neurons, although some colocalization of ChAT- with FMRFamide- or 5-HT-LIR is observed in small and medium-sized cells, mostly neurons that immunostain only weakly. In the brain, such double immunolabeling is observed primarily in neurons of the protocerebrum and, to a particularly great extent, in local olfactory interneurons of the deutocerebrum. The clusters of neurons in the VNC that stain most intensely for ChAT, FMRFamide, and 5-HT, with colocalization in some cases, are located in the subesophageal ganglia. This colocalization appears to be related to function, since it is present in regions of the CNS characterized by multiple afferent projections and outputs to a variety of functionally related centers involved in various physiological and behavioral processes. Further elucidation of the functional significance of these neurons and of the widespread process of co-transmission in the crustaceans should provide fascinating new insights.
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