Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 1
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Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 1

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Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 1 is produced by Danio rerio.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
1. Molecular characterization of HEPCIDIN-1 (HAMP1) gene in red-bellied pacu (Piaractus brachypomus)
Julieth Michel Petano-Duque, Kelly Johanna Lozano-Villegas, Ángel Enrique Céspedes-Rubio, Iang Schroniltgen Rondón-Barragán Dev Comp Immunol. 2022 May;130:104353. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2022.104353. Epub 2022 Jan 21.
Hepcidins are cysteine-rich peptides, which participate in iron metabolism regulation, the inflammatory and antimicrobial response. This study characterizes the hepcidin-1 (HAMP1) gene, its transcript expression in different tissues, as well as its regulation in a model of brain injury in Piaractus brachypomus. Bioinformatic analysis was carried out to determine conserved domains, glycosylation sites and protein structure of HAMP1, and probability that HAMP1 corresponds to an antimicrobial peptide (AMP). Relative gene expression of the P. brachypomus HAMP1 gene was determined by qPCR from cDNA of several tissues, a brain injury model, an organophosphate sublethal toxicity model and anesthetic experiment using the 2-ΔΔCt method. HAMP1 ORF encodes for a 91 aa pre-prohepcidin conformed for a prodomain with 42 aa and mature peptide of 25 aa. Mature domain was determined as an AMP. HAMP1 transcript is expressed in all the tissues, being higher in the spleen and liver. HAMP1 mRNA level was upregulated in the brain injury group, as well as in the olfactory bulb, optic chiasm and telencephalon of red-bellied pacu brain exposed to an organophosphate. In anesthetic experiment, HAMP1 mRNA level was upregulated in the liver and gills. HAMP1 gene of P. brachypomus may be involved in the inflammatory, antimicrobial, hypoxia and stress oxidative response.
2. Hepcidin and iron homeostasis
Tomas Ganz, Elizabeta Nemeth Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Sep;1823(9):1434-43. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2012.01.014. Epub 2012 Jan 26.
Despite fluctuations in dietary iron intake and intermittent losses through bleeding, the plasma iron concentrations in humans remain stable at 10-30 μM. While most of the iron entering blood plasma comes from recycling, appropriate amount of iron is absorbed from the diet to compensate for losses and maintain nontoxic amounts in stores. Plasma iron concentration and iron distribution are similarly regulated in laboratory rodents. The hepatic peptide hepcidin was identified as the systemic iron-regulatory hormone. In the efferent arc, hepcidin regulates intestinal iron absorption, plasma iron concentrations, and tissue iron distribution by inducing degradation of its receptor, the cellular iron exporter ferroportin. Ferroportin exports iron into plasma from absorptive enterocytes, from macrophages that recycle the iron of senescent erythrocytes, and from hepatocytes that store iron. In the more complex and less well understood afferent arc, hepatic hepcidin synthesis is transcriptionally regulated by extracellular and intracellular iron concentrations through a molecular complex of bone morphogenetic protein receptors and their iron-specific ligands, modulators and iron sensors. Through as yet undefined pathways, hepcidin is also homeostatically regulated by the iron requirements of erythroid precursors for hemoglobin synthesis. In accordance with the role of hepcidin-mediated iron redistribution in host defense, hepcidin production is regulated by inflammation as well. Increased hepcidin concentrations in plasma are pathogenic in iron-restrictive anemias including anemias associated with inflammation, chronic kidney disease and some cancers. Hepcidin deficiency causes iron overload in hereditary hemochromatosis and ineffective erythropoiesis. Hepcidin, ferroportin and their regulators represent potential targets for the diagnosis and treatment of iron disorders and anemias. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cell Biology of Metals.
3. Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization
Elizabeta Nemeth, Marie S Tuttle, Julie Powelson, Michael B Vaughn, Adriana Donovan, Diane McVey Ward, Tomas Ganz, Jerry Kaplan Science. 2004 Dec 17;306(5704):2090-3. doi: 10.1126/science.1104742. Epub 2004 Oct 28.
Hepcidin is a peptide hormone secreted by the liver in response to iron loading and inflammation. Decreased hepcidin leads to tissue iron overload, whereas hepcidin overproduction leads to hypoferremia and the anemia of inflammation. Ferroportin is an iron exporter present on the surface of absorptive enterocytes, macrophages, hepatocytes, and placental cells. Here we report that hepcidin bound to ferroportin in tissue culture cells. After binding, ferroportin was internalized and degraded, leading to decreased export of cellular iron. The posttranslational regulation of ferroportin by hepcidin may thus complete a homeostatic loop: Iron regulates the secretion of hepcidin, which in turn controls the concentration of ferroportin on the cell surface.
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