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Latescidin 1

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Latescidin 1 is an antibacterial peptide isolated from Lates calcarifer.

Functional Peptides
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1. Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIT) and Continuous Endurance Training for VO2max Improvements: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials
Zoran Milanović, Goran Sporiš, Matthew Weston Sports Med. 2015 Oct;45(10):1469-81. doi: 10.1007/s40279-015-0365-0.
Background: Enhancing cardiovascular fitness can lead to substantial health benefits. High-intensity interval training (HIT) is an efficient way to develop cardiovascular fitness, yet comparisons between this type of training and traditional endurance training are equivocal. Objective: Our objective was to meta-analyse the effects of endurance training and HIT on the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) of healthy, young to middle-aged adults. Methods: Six electronic databases were searched (MEDLINE, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, CINAHL and Google Scholar) for original research articles. A search was conducted and search terms included 'high intensity', 'HIT', 'sprint interval training', 'endurance training', 'peak oxygen uptake', and 'VO2max'. Inclusion criteria were controlled trials, healthy adults aged 18-45 years, training duration ≥2 weeks, VO2max assessed pre- and post-training. Twenty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. This resulted in 723 participants with a mean ± standard deviation (SD) age and initial fitness of 25.1 ± 5 years and 40.8 ± 7.9 mL·kg(-1)·min(-1), respectively.
2. Cataract prevalence and prevention in Europe: a literature review
Elena Prokofyeva, Alfred Wegener, Eberhart Zrenner Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Aug;91(5):395-405. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2012.02444.x. Epub 2012 Jun 20.
This literature review is aimed at the evaluation of the potential for cataract prevention in Europe. It was performed using PubMed with Mesh and free-text terms. Studies included were (i) performed on a population of Caucasian origin at an age range of 40-95 years, (ii) cataract was clinically verified, (iii) drug record of prescriptions, their indication, a record of every diagnosis, dosage and quantity of prescribed medicine were available, (iv) sample size >300 and (v) published between 1990 and 2009. The results of 29 articles were reviewed. Former [3.75 (2.26-6.21)] or current smoking [2.34 (1.07-5.15)], diabetes of duration >10 years [2.72 (1.72-4.28)], asthma or chronic bronchitis [2.04 (1.04-3.81)], and cardiovascular disease [1.96 (1.22-3.14)] increased the risk of cataract. Cataract was more common in patients taking chlorpromazine during ≥90 days with a dosage ≥300 mg [8.8 (3.1-25.1)] and corticosteroids >5 years [3.25 (1.39-7.58)] in a daily dose >1600 mg [1.69 (1.17-2.43)]. Intake of a multivitamin/mineral formulation [2.00 (1.35-2.98)] or corticosteroids [2.12 (1.93-2.33)] also increased the risk of cataract. Corticosteroids applied orally [3.25 (1.39-7.58)], parenteral [1.56 (1.34-1.82)] or inhalational [1.58 (1.46-1.71)] lead to cataract more frequently than those applied topically: nasal [1.33 (1.21-1.45)], ear [1.31 (1.19-1.45)] or skin [1.43 (1.36-1.50)]. Outpatient cataract surgery was negatively associated with total cataract surgery costs, and chlorpromazine, corticosteroids and multivitamin/mineral formation increase the risk of posterior subcapsular cataract dependent on dose, treatment application and duration. This review presented a comprehensive overview of specific and general cataract risk factors and an update on most recent experimental studies and randomized control trials directed at cataract prevention.
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