Leptin (human)
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Leptin (human)

* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.

Leptin (human) is a peptide hormone secreted from white adipocytes and implicated in the regulation of food intake and energy balance.

Peptide Inhibitors
Catalog number
CAS number
Size Price Stock Quantity
5 mg $1468 In stock
1: PN: WO0038651 SEQID: 1 unclaimed protein; 22-167-Protein (human gene obese 167-amino acid isoform precursor); Anti-obesity protein (human); Leptin (human clone 3 gene Ob); Leptin (human gene ob protein 146-amino acid fragment); Leptin (synthetic human mutant 15B); Protein (human gene ob active isoform)
White Powder
≥95% by HPLC
Store at -20°C
Soluble in Water
1. Leptin in human physiology and therapeutics
Hyun-Seuk Moon, John P Chamberland, Tina A Dardeno, Christos S Mantzoros, Christina G Fiorenza, Sharon H Chou Front Neuroendocrinol . 2010 Jul;31(3):377-93. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2010.06.002.
Leptin regulates energy homeostasis and reproductive, neuroendocrine, immune, and metabolic functions. In this review, we describe the role of leptin in human physiology and review evidence from recent "proof of concept" clinical trials using recombinant human leptin in subjects with congenital leptin deficiency, hypoleptinemia associated with energy-deficient states, and hyperleptinemia associated with garden-variety obesity. Since most obese individuals are largely leptin-tolerant or -resistant, therapeutic uses of leptin are currently limited to patients with complete or partial leptin deficiency, including hypothalamic amenorrhea and lipoatrophy. Leptin administration in these energy-deficient states may help restore associated neuroendocrine, metabolic, and immune function and bone metabolism. Leptin treatment is currently available for individuals with congenital leptin deficiency and congenital lipoatrophy. The long-term efficacy and safety of leptin treatment in hypothalamic amenorrhea and acquired lipoatrophy are currently under investigation. Whether combination therapy with leptin and potential leptin sensitizers will prove effective in the treatment of garden-variety obesity and whether leptin may have a role in weight loss maintenance is being greatly anticipated.
2. Leptin treatment: facts and expectations
Julio Licinio, Gilberto Paz-Filho, Claudio A Mastronardi Metabolism . 2015 Jan;64(1):146-56. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2014.07.014.
Leptin has key roles in the regulation of energy balance, body weight, metabolism, and endocrine function. Leptin levels are undetectable or very low in patients with lipodystrophy, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and congenital leptin deficiency (CLD) due to mutations in the leptin gene. For these patients, leptin replacement therapy with metreleptin (a recombinant leptin analog) has improved or normalized most of their phenotypes, including normalization of endocrine axes, decrease in insulin resistance, and improvement of lipid profile and hepatic steatosis. Remarkable weight loss has been observed in patients with CLD. Due to its effects, leptin therapy has also been evaluated in conditions where leptin levels are normal or high, such as common obesity, diabetes (types 1 and 2), and Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome. A better understanding of the physiological roles of leptin may lead to the development of leptin-based therapies for other prevalent disorders such as obesity-associated nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, depression and dementia.
3. Leptin Function and Regulation
Streamson Chua Jr, Yiying Zhang Compr Physiol . 2017 Dec 12;8(1):351-369. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c160041.
We summarize the biological impact of leptin signaling as well as the molecular and cellular characteristics of leptin action. Our focus is principally in the central nervous system and we describe the properties of the neuronal networks that are mediators of leptin's effects on ingestive behavior, energy balance, and the reproductive system. The molecular targets of leptin's effects are also responsible for the attenuation and termination of the intracellular signal transduction pathway for leptin, providing a clear understanding of the mechanisms leading to leptin resistance or insensitivity. Using the tools of comparative biology, we explore the potential functions of leptin in fish and birds. Based on the highly variable expression of leptin in multiple tissues, a clear lack of expression of leptin in adipocytes in numerous species of fish and birds and an absence of changes of leptin concentrations in blood that are correlated with changes in nutritional status, it is clear that leptin is unlikely to function as a signal for triglyceride stores in nonmammalian species. This comparative survey serves to highlight the unique function of leptin in mammalian biology as a modulator of energy balance, sexual development, and fertility. © 2018 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 8:351-369, 2018.
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