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Lucilin, partial

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Lucilin, partial was found in Lucilia sericata [Green bottle fly] and has antimicrobial activity.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
>96% by HPLC
1. Detection and partial characterization of antifungal bioactivity from the secretions of the medicinal maggot, Lucilia sericata
Rhys Evans, Ed Dudley, Yamni Nigam Wound Repair Regen. 2015 May-Jun;23(3):361-8. doi: 10.1111/wrr.12287. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
The antibacterial properties of the excretions/secretions (ES) of the medicinal maggot, Lucilia sericata have long been known and the effectiveness of maggot debridement therapy in relation to the clearance of bacteria from the surface of wounds has been the source of much research over recent years. Less well known, however, are the antifungal properties of L. sericata ES. Here, we show by means of the colony forming unit assay and optical density assays, that L. sericata native ES possess significant antifungal properties and appears to possess a highly heat stable, freeze/thaw, and lyophilization resistant antifungal component. We also show that the antifungal activity present in the native ES consists of a number of antifungal components present in three fraction masses consisting of >10, 10-0.5, and <0.5 kDa, with the greatest level of activity being seen in the <0.5 kDa fraction.
2. The toad fly Lucilia bufonivora: its evolutionary status and molecular identification
G Arias-Robledo, T Stark, R L Wall, J R Stevens Med Vet Entomol. 2019 Mar;33(1):131-139. doi: 10.1111/mve.12328. Epub 2018 Aug 9.
The blow fly genus Lucilia is composed largely of saprophages and facultative myasis agents, including the economically important species Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen). Only one species is generally recognized as an obligate agent of myiasis, Lucilia bufonivora Moniez, and this is an obligate parasite of toads. Lucilia silvarum (Meigen), a sister species, behaves mainly as a carrion breeder; however, it has also been reported as a facultative parasite of amphibians. Morphologically, these species are almost identical, and historically this has led to misidentification, taxonomic ambiguity and a paucity of studies of L. bufonivora. In this study, dipterous larvae were analysed from toad myiasis cases from the U.K., The Netherlands and Switzerland, together with adult specimens of fly species implicated in amphibian parasitism: L. bufonivora, L. silvarum and Lucilia elongata Shannon (from North America). Partial sequences of two genes, cox1 and ef1α, were amplified. Seven additional blow fly species were analysed as outgroups. Bayesian inference trees of cox1, ef1α and a combined-gene dataset were constructed. All larvae isolated from toads were identified as L. bufonivora and no specimens of L. silvarum were implicated in amphibian myiasis. This study confirms L. silvarum and L. bufonivora as distinct sister species and provides unambiguous molecular identification of L. bufonivora.
3. Identification, molecular characterization, and in silico structural analysis of larval salivary glands Netrin-A as a potent biomarker from Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Masoumeh Bagheri, et al. Genetica. 2022 Dec;150(6):379-394. doi: 10.1007/s10709-022-00164-8. Epub 2022 Sep 22.
The greenbottle blowfly Lucilia sericata (L. sericata) is increasingly used in larval therapy of chronic wounds. Netrins as bifunctional proteins are in the superfamily of Laminins secreted from larval salivary glands. The Netrin protein has a significant instructive role in axon guidance, causing neuronal outgrowth, angiogenesis, and cell migration. It seems to be crucial in wound healing and acts as a potential biomarker in diagnosing some clinical diseases. This survey aimed to identify molecular features and analyze in silico structural configuration of Netrin-A in L. sericata larvae. The larvae were reared under standard maggotarium conditions. The nucleic acid sequence of L. sericata Netrin-A (LSN-A) was then identified using rapid amplification of circular DNA ends (RACE) and rapid amplification of genomic ends (RAGE). Parts of the Netrin-A gene, including the middle, 3'-, and 5'-ends, were identified, TA cloned in pTG19 plasmid, and transferred into DH5ɑ Escherichia coli. Each part was sequenced and assembled using SeqMan software. This gene structure was further subjected to in silico analysis. The DNA of LSN-A was identified to be 2407 bp, while its mRNA sequence was recognized as 2115 bp by Oligo0.7 software. It translated the Netrin-A protein with 704 amino acid residues. Its estimated molecular weight was 78.6 kDa. Sequencing of this fragment and its BLAST analysis revealed laminin-based high (95%) similarity with the mRNA sequence of Lucilia cuprina Netrin-A. The 3-D structure of Netrin-A drawn by SWISS-MODEL exhibited its partial resemblance to the reference molecule Netrin-1 of Homo sapiens. This study supports the molecular and structural analyses of LSN-A protein, which could lead to wound treatment. Ultimately, it can be an effective candidate to ameliorate injury. Our next attempt is to produce LSN-A recombinant protein for use in biomedical sciences.
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