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NaD1 is a potent antifungal defensin that accumulates in the flowers of the ornamental tobacco plant Nicotiana alata, where it functions to protect the reproductive organs from damage by fungal pathogens. NaD1 displays antifungal activity against the yeasts Candida albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Cryptococcus species.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
Nicotiana alata Defensin 1
1. Ptychographic imaging of NaD1 induced yeast cell death
Nicholas Anthony, Connie Darmanin, Mark R Bleackley, Kathy Parisi, Guido Cadenazzi, Susannah Holmes, Marilyn A Anderson, Keith A Nugent, Brian Abbey Biomed Opt Express. 2019 Sep 6;10(10):4964-4974. doi: 10.1364/BOE.10.004964. eCollection 2019 Oct 1.
Characterising and understanding the mechanisms involved in cell death are especially important to combating threats to human health, particularly for the study of antimicrobial peptides and their effectiveness against pathogenic fungi. However, imaging these processes often relies on the use of synthetic molecules which bind to specific cellular targets to produce contrast. Here we study yeast cell death, induced by the anti-fungal peptide, NaD1. By treating yeast as a model organism we aim to understand anti-fungal cell death processes without relying on sample modification. Using a quantitative phase imaging technique, ptychography, we were able to produce label free images of yeast cells during death and use them to investigate the mode of action of NaD1. Using this technique we were able to identify a significant phase shift which provided a clear signature of yeast cell death. Additionally, ptychography identifies cell death much earlier than a comparative fluorescence study, providing new insights into the cellular changes that occur during cell death. The results indicate ptychography has great potential as a means of providing additional information about cellular processes which otherwise may be masked by indirect labelling approaches.
2. NAD1 Controls Defense-Like Responses in Medicago truncatula Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Nodules Following Rhizobial Colonization in a BacA-Independent Manner
Ágota Domonkos, et al. Genes (Basel). 2017 Dec 14;8(12):387. doi: 10.3390/genes8120387.
Legumes form endosymbiotic interaction with host compatible rhizobia, resulting in the development of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Within symbiotic nodules, rhizobia are intracellularly accommodated in plant-derived membrane compartments, termed symbiosomes. In mature nodule, the massively colonized cells tolerate the existence of rhizobia without manifestation of visible defense responses, indicating the suppression of plant immunity in the nodule in the favur of the symbiotic partner. Medicago truncatulaDNF2 (defective in nitrogen fixation 2) and NAD1 (nodules with activated defense 1) genes are essential for the control of plant defense during the colonization of the nitrogen-fixing nodule and are required for bacteroid persistence. The previously identified nodule-specific NAD1 gene encodes a protein of unknown function. Herein, we present the analysis of novel NAD1 mutant alleles to better understand the function of NAD1 in the repression of immune responses in symbiotic nodules. By exploiting the advantage of plant double and rhizobial mutants defective in establishing nitrogen-fixing symbiotic interaction, we show that NAD1 functions following the release of rhizobia from the infection threads and colonization of nodule cells. The suppression of plant defense is self-dependent of the differentiation status of the rhizobia. The corresponding phenotype of nad1 and dnf2 mutants and the similarity in the induction of defense-associated genes in both mutants suggest that NAD1 and DNF2 operate close together in the same pathway controlling defense responses in symbiotic nodules.
3. Group II Intron-Encoded Proteins (IEPs/Maturases) as Key Regulators of Nad1 Expression and Complex I Biogenesis in Land Plant Mitochondria
Ron Mizrahi, Sofia Shevtsov-Tal, Oren Ostersetzer-Biran Genes (Basel). 2022 Jun 24;13(7):1137. doi: 10.3390/genes13071137.
Mitochondria are semi-autonomous organelles that produce much of the energy required for cellular metabolism. As descendants of a bacterial symbiont, most mitochondria harbor their own genetic system (mtDNA/mitogenome), with intrinsic machineries for transcription and protein translation. A notable feature of plant mitochondria involves the presence of introns (mostly group II-type) that reside in many organellar genes. The splicing of the mtRNAs relies on the activities of various protein cofactors, which may also link organellar functions with cellular or environmental signals. The splicing of canonical group II introns is aided by an ancient class of RT-like enzymes (IEPs/maturases, MATs) that are encoded by the introns themselves and act specifically on their host introns. The plant organellar introns are degenerated in structure and are generally also missing their cognate intron-encoded proteins. The factors required for plant mtRNA processing are mostly nuclearly-encoded, with the exception of a few degenerated MATs. These are in particular pivotal for the maturation of NADH-dehydrogenase transcripts. In the following review we provide an update on the non-canonical MAT factors in angiosperm mitochondria and summarize the current knowledge of their essential roles in regulating Nad1 expression and complex I (CI) biogenesis during embryogenesis and early plant life.
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