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OaBac7.5 is an antimicrobial peptide found in Ovis aries (Sheep). It has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria.

Functional Peptides
Catalog number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Bactinecin 7.5; Bac7.5
Store at -20°C
1. Isolation and characterisation of proline/arginine-rich cathelicidin peptides from ovine neutrophils
Rachel C Anderson, Pak-Lam Yu Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Dec 26;312(4):1139-46. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2003.11.045.
Cathelicidins are a family of gene-encoded antimicrobial peptides found in mammals. Seven cathelicidin genes have been identified in sheep, but up to now only two variants of one of these predicted peptides (OaBac5) have been purified from ovine neutrophils. In this work numerous proline/arginine-rich cathelicidin peptides were purified, including the originally predicted OaBac5 and another OaBac5 variant. As well as this, the C-terminus of the predicted OaBac7.5 and various truncated forms of OaBac11 were purified. Even though these peptides were much smaller than those predicted, they still displayed antimicrobial activity.
2. Localization and genomic organization of sheep antimicrobial peptide genes
K M Huttner, M R Lambeth, H R Burkin, D J Burkin, T E Broad Gene. 1998 Jan 5;206(1):85-91. doi: 10.1016/s0378-1119(97)00569-6.
Antimicrobial peptides are an abundant and diverse component of animal innate immunity. Within mammalian species, defensins and cathelicidins are the two principal antimicrobial peptide families. We identified and sequenced ten new sheep genes which encode potential antimicrobial peptides including two beta-defensins and eight cathelicidins. We mapped the two-exon beta-defensin genes to sheep chromosome 26 and the four-exon cathelicidin genes to sheep chromosome 19 using sheep-hamster somatic cell hybrids in conjunction with flow-sorted sheep chromosomes. These assignments confirm homology between sheep, cattle, mouse, and human antimicrobial peptide gene families. Contig construction for the sheep cathelicidin gene family demonstrates that three genes, OaDodeA, OaDodeB, and OaMAP-34, are present head-to-tail in a 14.5 kb region, and that four proline/arginine-rich genes, OaBac5, OaBac7.5, OaBac11, and OaBac6, are arranged head-to-tail in a region covering 30.5 kb. This richly diverse family of sheep cathelicidin peptides is encoded in a gene array which may reflect the mechanism of its evolution.
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