(S)-2-Aminooct-7-enoic acid
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(S)-2-Aminooct-7-enoic acid

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Amino Acids for Stapled Peptide
Catalog number
CAS number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
(S)-2-Aminooct-7-enoic acid
(2S)-2-aminooct-7-enoic acid
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InChI Key
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1. Engineering robust microorganisms for organic acid production
Vinh G Tran, Huimin Zhao J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2022 Apr 14;49(2):kuab067. doi: 10.1093/jimb/kuab067.
Organic acids are an important class of compounds that can be produced by microbial conversion of renewable feedstocks and have huge demands and broad applications in food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. An economically viable fermentation process for production of organic acids requires robust microbial cell factories with excellent tolerance to low pH conditions, high concentrations of organic acids, and lignocellulosic inhibitors. In this review, we summarize various strategies to engineer robust microorganisms for organic acid production and highlight their applications in a few recent examples.
2. Fluorescent probes for monitoring myeloperoxidase-derived hypochlorous acid: a comparative study
Karolina Pierzchała, et al. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 3;12(1):9314. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13317-8.
MPO-derived oxidants including HOCl contribute to tissue damage and the initiation and propagation of inflammatory diseases. The search for small molecule inhibitors of myeloperoxidase, as molecular tools and potential drugs, requires the application of high throughput screening assays based on monitoring the activity of myeloperoxidase. In this study, we have compared three classes of fluorescent probes for monitoring myeloperoxidase-derived hypochlorous acid, including boronate-, aminophenyl- and thiol-based fluorogenic probes and we show that all three classes of probes are suitable for this purpose. However, probes based on the coumarin fluorophore turned out to be not reliable indicators of the inhibitors' potency. We have also determined the rate constants of the reaction between HOCl and the probes and they are equal to 1.8 × 104 M-1s-1 for coumarin boronic acid (CBA), 1.1 × 104 M-1s-1 for fluorescein based boronic acid (FLBA), 3.1 × 104 M-1s-1 for 7-(p-aminophenyl)-coumarin (APC), 1.6 × 104 M-1s-1 for 3'-(p-aminophenyl)-fluorescein (APF), and 1 × 107 M-1s-1 for 4-thiomorpholino-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-TM). The high reaction rate constant of NBD-TM with HOCl makes this probe the most reliable tool to monitor HOCl formation in the presence of compounds showing HOCl-scavenging activity.
3. Air-stable aryl derivatives of pentafluoroorthotellurate
Daniel Wegener, Kurt F Hoffmann, Alberto Pérez-Bitrián, Ilayda Bayindir, Amiera N Hadi, Anja Wiesner, Sebastian Riedel Chem Commun (Camb). 2022 Aug 25;58(69):9694-9697. doi: 10.1039/d2cc03936b.
We report on two different sets of air-stable derivatives of pentafluoroorthotellurate containing fluorinated and non-fluorinated aryl groups. The acid cis-PhTeF4OH was obtained in gram scale and further transformed to Ag[cis-PhTeF4O], which was used as a cis-PhTeF4O transfer reagent to obtain [PPh4][cis-PhTeF4O]. Furthermore, the synthesis of trans-(C6F5)2TeF3OH was achieved by a selective hydrolysis of trans-(C6F5)2TeF4 in the presence of KF and subsequent protonation by aHF. Quantum-chemical calculations show a higher acidity and robustness against fluoride abstraction for trans-(C6F5)2TeF3OH compared to cis-PhTeF4OH.
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