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Temporin-1TGc is an antibacterial peptide isolated from Rana tagoi. It has activity against gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria.

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1. Antimicrobial peptides from the skin of the Japanese mountain brown frog Rana ornativentris: evidence for polymorphism among preprotemporin mRNAs
Aya Ohnuma, J Michael Conlon, Keiko Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Kawasaki, Laurent Coquet, Jérôme Leprince, Thierry Jouenne, Hubert Vaudry, Shawichi Iwamuro Peptides. 2007 Mar;28(3):524-32. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2006.10.013. Epub 2006 Dec 4.
A previous study led to the isolation of antimicrobial peptides belonging to the temporin and brevinin-2 families from a pooled extract of the skin of adult specimens of the Japanese mountain brown frog Rana ornativentris Werner 1903. In order to ascertain whether individual frogs expressed the full complement of temporin genes, we individually cloned cDNAs encoding the temporin precursors from total RNA extracted from the skins of 12 frogs by RT-PCR using a set of preprotemporin-specific primers. All the specimens examined contained mRNAs directing the synthesis of the novel, but inactive, temporin-1Oe (ILPLLGNLLNGLL x NH2). Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed marked polymorphism among individual frogs. Twenty-seven distinct preprotemporin-1Oe mRNAs were identified that contained synonymous substitutions in the antimicrobial peptide region and both synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions in the signal peptide and intervening sequence regions. Up to eight preprotemporin-1Oe mRNA variants were found within a single frog. In addition, several cDNAs encoding preprotemporin-1Oa and -1Ob and a single cDNA encoding preprotemporin-1Oc were characterized. Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions revealed the presence of temporin-1Oe, temporin-1Of (SLILKGLASIAKLF x NH2), temporin-1Og (FLSSLLSKVVSLFT x NH2), four members of the ranatuerin-2 family and one member of the palustrin-2 family in addition to previously characterized temporin and brevinin-2 peptides.
2. Cloning and expression of genes enocoding antimicrobial peptides and bradykinin from the skin and brain of Oki Tago's brown frog, Rana tagoi okiensis
Shoro Tazato, J Michael Conlon, Shawichi Iwamuro Peptides. 2010 Aug;31(8):1480-7. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2010.04.031. Epub 2010 May 10.
Previous studies led to the isolation from skin extracts of Oki Tago's brown frog, Rana tagoi okiensis of five antimicrobial peptides belonging to the brevinin-1 (brevinin-1TOa), temporin (temporin-TOa and -TOb), and ranatuerin-2 (ranatuerin-2TOa and -2TOb) families, and bradykinin (BK) identical to mammalian BK. Using the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we have now cloned from skin total RNA preparations cDNAs encoding biosynthetic precursors of brevinin-1TOa and brevinin-1TOb (containing the substitution Gly(1)-->Val), temporin-TOa and -TOb, and ranatuerin-2TOa and -2TOb. In addition, three cDNA clones encoding preprobradykinins were obtained that contained either one, two, or three tandem repeats of the sequence of BK followed by the sequence of [Thr(6)]-BK. In tissue expression analyses, preprobrevinin-1, preprotemporin, and preproranatuerin-2 gene transcripts were detected at higher levels in brain compared with peripheral tissues (heart, small intestine, kidney, liver lung, skeletal muscle, stomach, and testis). RT-PCR of brain RNA resulted in the amplification of cDNAs encoding ranatuerin-2TOc and ranatuerin-2TOd that contained the amino acid substitutions Lys(6)-->Arg and Ala(14)-->Thr, respectively compared with ranatuerin-2TOb. cDNAs encoding preprobrevinin-1TOa and preprotemporin-TOa were amplified from brain RNA as well as a second preprotemporin cDNA that contained a 10-nucleotide insertion that introduced a frame shift resulting in a premature stop codon. A cDNA encoding a novel peptide, DK25 (DVNDLKNLCAKTHNLLPMCAMFGKK) was amplified from brain RNA but neither DK25 nor its putative post-translationally modified form, DF22-amide (DVNDLKNLCAKTHNLLPMCAMF.NH(2)) displayed antimicrobial or hemolytic activities.
3. Expression of genes encoding antimicrobial and bradykinin-related peptides in skin of the stream brown frog Rana sakuraii
Hiroe Suzuki, et al. Peptides. 2007 Mar;28(3):505-14. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2006.10.016. Epub 2006 Dec 14.
Peptidomic analysis of an extract of the skin of the stream brown frog Rana sakuraii Matsui and Matsui, 1990 led to the isolation of a C-terminally alpha-amidated peptide (VR-23; VIGSILGALASGLPTLISWIKNR x NH2) with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that shows structural similarity to the bee venom peptide, melittin together with two peptides belonging to the temporin family (temporin-1SKa; FLPVILPVIGKLLNGIL x NH2 and temporin-1SKb; FLPVILPVIGKLLSGIL x NH2), and peptides whose primary structures identified them as belonging to the brevinin-2 (2 peptides) and ranatuerin-2 (1 peptide) families. Using a forward primer that was designed from a conserved region of the 5'-untranslated regions of Rana temporaria preprotemporins in a 3'-RACE procedure, a cDNA clone encoding preprotemporin-1SKa was prepared from R. sakuraii skin total RNA. Further preprotemporin cDNAs encoding temporin-1SKc (AVDLAKIANIAN KVLSSL F x NH2) and temporin-1SKd (FLPMLAKLLSGFL x NH2) were obtained by RT-PCR. Unexpectedly, the 3'-RACE procedure using the same primer led to amplification of a cDNA encoding a preprobradykinin whose signal peptide region was identical to that of preprotemporin-1SKa except for the substitution Ser18-->Asn. R. sakuraii bradykinin ([Arg0,Leu1,Thr6,Trp8] BK) was 28-fold less potent than mammalian BK in effecting B2 receptor-mediated relaxation of mouse trachea and the des[Arg0] derivative was only a weak partial agonist. The evolutionary history of the Japanese brown frogs is incompletely understood but a comparison of the primary structures of the R. sakuraii dermal peptides with those of Tago's brown frog Rana tagoi provides evidence for a close phylogenetic relationship between these species.
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