Tyrosinase (240-251)
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Tyrosinase (240-251)

* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.

Tyrosinase is a multi-copper enzyme which is widely distributed in different organisms and plays an important role in the melanogenesis and enzymatic browning.

Catalog number
Common storage 2-8°C, long time storage -20°C.
1. [Therapeutic implications of the biochemical features about depressive illness (author's transl)]
H Lôo Encephale. 1981;7(4 Suppl):429-40.
The biochemical features of depressions able to guide the prescription of antidepressants are seen through a review of the literature. The papers were mainly focused on the peripheral catabolites of brain monoamines. Depressions characterized by low levels of 5 HIAA in the C.S.F. would predict a better efficacy of the antidepressants acting on the re-uptake of serotonin. The dosage of urinary MHPG seems to be a valuable index for the choice of the drug. Subjects with low levels response better to IMI, DE-IMI and NT, and those with normal levels to AMI. COMT activity and platelet MAO activity are may be a valuable index for the predictivity of the therapeutic results. Finally, the dexamethasone suppression test can be useful in order to guide the length of the treatment.
2. [Respective position of antidepressants in therapeutics (author's transl)]
D Moussaoui Encephale. 1979;5(5 Suppl):701-8.
The author points out the heterogeneity of depressions and antidepressants. He stresses the need of finding predictive indicators of antidepressant activity. Genetic, "demographic", biological, biochemical and pharmacokinetic factors can help to guide antidepressant's prescription. Urinary MHPG dosage seems to be one of the most interesting in this field.
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