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WAM2 is an antibacterial peptide isolated from Macropus eugenii. It has activity against bacteria and fungi.

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1. Enhancing the Water Accounting and Vulnerability Evaluation Model: WAVE
Markus Berger, Stephanie Eisner, Ruud van der Ent, Martina Flörke, Andreas Link, Joseph Poligkeit, Vanessa Bach, Matthias Finkbeiner Environ Sci Technol. 2018 Sep 18;52(18):10757-10766. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05164. Epub 2018 Aug 30.
Due to the increasing relevance of analyzing water consumption along product life cycles, the water accounting and vulnerability evaluation model (WAVE) has been updated and methodologically enhanced. Recent data from the atmospheric moisture tracking model WAM2-layers is used to update the basin internal evaporation recycling (BIER) ratio, which denotes atmospheric moisture recycling within drainage basins. Potential local impacts resulting from water consumption are quantified by means of the water deprivation index (WDI). Based on the hydrological model WaterGAP3, WDI is updated and methodologically refined to express a basin's vulnerability to freshwater deprivation resulting from the relative scarcity and absolute shortage of water. Compared to the predecessor version, BIER and WDI are provided on an increased spatial and temporal (monthly) resolution. Differences compared to annual averages are relevant in semiarid and arid basins characterized by a high seasonal variation of water consumption and availability. In order to support applicability in water footprinting and life cycle assessment, BIER and WDI are combined to an integrated WAVE+ factor, which is provided on different temporal and spatial resolutions. The applicability of the WAVE+ method is proven in a case study on sugar cane, and results are compared to those obtained by other impact assessment methods.
2. A study of SPECT/CT camera stability for quantitative imaging
Wendy A McDougald, Robert S Miyaoka, Adam M Alessio, Robert L Harrison, Thomas K Lewellen EJNMMI Phys. 2016 Dec;3(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s40658-016-0150-7. Epub 2016 Jul 29.
Background: The purpose of this study was twofold: to evaluate the quantitative stability of a SPECT/CT gamma camera over time and to determine if daily flood acquisitions can reliably serve as calibration factors for quantitative SPECT. Using a cylindrical water phantom filled with measured amounts of (99m)Tc, factors were calculated to convert counts/cc to activity/cps. Measurements were made over an 18-month period. System sensitivity data calculated from (57)Co daily quality assurance (DQA) flood acquisitions were then compared to the (99m)Tc calibration factors to determine the relationship of the factors. Results: The coefficient of variation is 2.7 % for the (99m)Tc cylinder conversion factors and 2.6 % for the (57)Co DQA flood data. The greatest difference between the cylinder conversion factors and the flood data is less than 3 %. Conclusions: Based on the results, the camera was stable within 3 % over an 18-month time period. The daily flood source acquisitions can be a reliable source for tracking camera stability and may provide information on updating the calibration factor for quantitative imaging.
3. Antisense macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) prevents anti-IgM mediated growth arrest and apoptosis of a murine B cell line by regulating cell cycle progression
A Takahashi, K Iwabuchi, M Suzuki, K Ogasawara, J Nishihira, K Onoé Microbiol Immunol. 1999;43(1):61-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1348-0421.1999.tb02373.x.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is involved in the generation of cell-mediated immune responses. Recently it has been reported that MIF also plays a role in cell proliferation and differentiation. In the present study, using a B-cell line, WEHI-231, and its stable MIF-antisense transfectant, WaM2, as a representative transfectant, we investigated the mechanism underlying regulation of the cell growth by MIF. WaM2 cells produced less MIF than vector control or parental WEHI-231 cells. Reduced and increased proportions were seen in G1 and S-phase cells, respectively, in WaM2 as compared with WEHI-231. Growth arrest and apoptosis after stimulation via surface Ig (sIg) were less prominent in WaM2 cells than those in WEHI-231. However, the addition of recombinant rat MIF did not reverse the inhibition of the growth arrest and apoptosis induced in WaM2 by cross-linking sIg. Almost the same amount of p27kip1 expression was detected in WaM2 cells as those in WEHI-231 and vector control cells. Cross-linking of sIg elevated the p27kip1 level equally in these cells irrespective of the MIF-antisense expression. Taken together, it seems that MIF plays a role in inducing apoptosis in B cells upon IgM cross-linking by regulating the cell cycle via a novel intracellular pathway.
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